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Meet James

James Sorensen

Course Instructor

Studying human behavior through the exchange of goods and services provides a unique perspective on what a society values (and doesn’t value). I’m excited to share my passion for shopper insights, and how shopper-centric strategies can grow brands, categories, and both physical and digital presence.

With over 30 years of experience in ecommerce, retail, and shopper insights, James Sorensen is a respected veteran in the field of shopper science. His extensive knowledge comes alive in the classroom as he shares engaging success stories and insightful pros and cons of the many tools available to the shopper researcher. 

 James is currently SVP, Client Services at Burke, Inc. He has a proven track record of driving innovation and growth for key clients at Sorensen Associates and Kantar Retail Consulting.  

James has studied millions of shoppers using a wide range of techniques including path tracking, eye tracking, click-stream analytics, ethnography, neuro-measurement, geofencing, as well as traditional qualitative and quantitative surveys.