RM05 - Linking Customer, Employee and Process Data to Drive Profitability*
In this comprehensive two-day seminar designed for people who want to learn how to plan, execute, and/or manage linkage research and analysis initiatives, you will learn:
- The origins of and rationale for linkage research and analysis, and why linkage research and analysis is an area of criticalimportance to marketers and marketing researchers.
- The challenges and potential barriers to successful linkage research and analysis efforts, along with proven strategies foraddressing these challenges and barriers.
- A step-by-step process for designing and executing linkage research projects.
- Specific quantitative and qualitative techniques for establishing the linkages among: multiple sources of customer and market data; customer data and financial/market performance metrics; customer data and employee data; customer data and internal/operational performance metrics.
- How to apply the results of linkage research and analysis in order to: evaluate the costs and benefits of alternative managerial actions and investment strategies; determine priorities for managerial action and resource allocation;align and set performance targets for internal processes and operations in order to maximize the probability of achieving desired financial and market performance results; monitor and assess the impact of the preceding decisions and actions.